Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented on this page. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased - docs

See these docs for changes that have not yet been released and are only present in the development version. This version might not be stable, but to install it use:

pip install git+

1.4.2 - docs - 2023-10-19



  • Fix installation on Python 3.12


  • Update tooling (use black and isort and remove custom flake8 stuff)

1.4.1 - docs - 2020-10-18


  • Fixes filename generation with dots in the final filename on Windows.
  • Fixes regression in 1.4.0 where empty geometry_options would throw an error.

1.4.0 - docs - 2020-09-16


  • Add Fragment class which is a Container without any LaTeX code surrounding its content.


  • Escape newlines in ContainerCommand
  • Fix bug where the geometry options were not applied in some cases

1.3.4 - docs - 2020-07-29


  • Use known working versions for Python 3.5 and lower of ordered-set dependency

1.3.3 - docs - 2020-06-20


  • The ‘at’ parameter for TikZNode should now work.
  • Use a different temporary directory per user.

1.3.2 - docs - 2020-05-16


  • On python 3.6+ support multhreaded use of PyLaTeX, by not calling os.chdir

1.3.1 - docs - 2019-09-26


  • Make labels/sections with weird characters work

1.3.0 - docs - 2017-05-19


  • Longtables now have end_foot() and end_last_foot() functions.
  • Added TikZ basic drawing functions for nodes and paths, with minimal coordinate support.
  • More section levels Part, Chapter, Paragraph, Subparagraph.
  • Add label and cross reference support.


  • More descriptive error when no compatible LaTeX compiler was found.


  • latex_name is now fixed for the Document class. This way you can safely subclass it.
  • Uncertain quantity objects work again.

1.2.1 - docs - 2017-05-19


  • Filenames with a ~ (tilde) in them now also work as figure paths. This caused issues when using temp directories on Windows.

1.2.0 - docs - 2017-05-06


  • Escape flag to Math container
  • _star_latex_name attribute of LatexObject to append a star
  • Alignat math environment
  • Figure.add_plot method looks for extension in kwargs
  • Tabu and LongTabu environments learn ‘spread’ and ‘to’ syntax to control their width.


  • Escape [ and ] (left and right bracket).
  • Allow mappers of dumps_list to return a LatexObject.
  • Section numbering default behaviour fixed
  • Setter method for escape property added

1.1.1 - docs - 2016-12-10


  • Installs from git now get installed as a special version based on the commit. This is done by using versioneer.
  • Releases can be done with much less manual work for the maintainer in the future.


  • Install now works on python 3.6+
  • Pypi installs will not fail anymore for python 2.7, when 3to2 and future were installed.

1.1.0 - docs - 2016-12-09


  • Allow overriding of the default numbering of Section class.
  • Parameters now unpacks a dict as keyword arguments when passed a single dictionary as argument.
  • Escape generated \n characters by PyLaTeX by placing a % sign in front of them.
  • For better readability let escape_latex change a newline to \\%\n instead of simply \\.
  • Document packages now get propagated from the preamble elements as well.
  • Changed Figure.add_image to add a StandAloneGraphic
  • Tabular.add_row now accepts a list of mappers
  • Tabular.add_row now accepts cells as arguments, so they don’t have to be wrapped in a list or tuple anymore.
  • Changed from using $$ ... $$ for displaymath to using \[ ... \].


  • Add the textcomp package by default. This way some special glyphs, like the Euro (€) Symbol can be used in the source.
  • Quantity got a new options keyword argument and learned to handle uncertain quantities.
  • Added PageStyle class to support the creation of various page styles. In addition to this class Head and Foot were added for creating unique headers and footers within the page styles. A simple_page_number function was also added for easy displaying of a simple page number.
  • Added a new type of container ContainerCommand for supporting commands with data.
  • Added new options to the Document constructor: geometry_options (a list of options for the geometry package), document_options (a list of options to place in the document class), indent (an option to select whether the documents elements are indented), page_numbers (an option to choose whether to use page numbers or not), font_size (the font size to set at the beggining of the document).
  • Added several new methods to the Document: change_page_style, change_document_style, add_color, change_length, set_variable.
  • Added a new position package with the following classes: Center (an environment with centered content), FlushLeft (an environment with left aligned content), FlushRight (an environment with right aligned content), MiniPage (a portion of the document with a certain width and height), TextBlock (a portion of the document for which the position can be selected using x,y coordinates), VerticalSpace and HorizontalSpace (add space of a certain size by using vspace and hspace)
  • Added StandAloneGraphic to support the creation of images outside of figure environments.
  • Added the ability to change the row_height of a table within the Tabular constructor.
  • Added a new type of table Tabularx.
  • Added the option to select a color when adding an hline or adding a row to any Tabular environment.
  • Added the ability to add your own column types through the ColumnType class.
  • Added the ability to end the header of a LongTable which repeats on every consecutive page.
  • Added the ability to choose the enumeration symbol in a list using the enumeration_symbol keyword argument of Enumerate.
  • Added a pylatex.basic module with the following commands: NewLine, NewPage, LineBreak, HFill.
  • Added several environments to pylatex.basic: HugeText, LargeText, MediumText, SmallText, FootnoteText, TextColor.
  • Tabular can now have a width specified to override the calculated width based on the table_spec argument.
  • Default configuration for certain options can be overwritten with the new pylatex.config module.
  • Add support for booktabs tables, which look nicer than normal tables.
  • Add support for the microtype package.


  • Setting the lmodern keyword argument of Document to false will not cause invalid LaTeX code anymore.
  • Quantity now correctly splits prefix and unit into seperate commands.
  • Quantity can now handle Celsius.
  • Package instances now actually get deduplicated.

1.0.0 - docs - 2015-11-25

This realease brings some great changes. The whole package has been refactored and actual documentation has been added. Because of this, things have been moved an renamed. One of the most notable changes is that all normal text is now escaped by default.


  • The base_classes submodule has been split into multiple sub-submodules.
  • The old baseclasses have been renamed as well. They now have easier names that better show their purpose.
  • The command and parameters submodules have been merged into one command submodule in the base_classes submodule.
  • The numpy classes have been moved to the math submodule.
  • For all of the previous changes the old submodules and names should still work during the transition period, but they will be removed before the final release.
  • The Plt class has been merged with the Figure class. Its add_plot method also doesn’t take a plt argument anymore. The plt module is now imported when the add_plot method is used. This also allows for adding plots in the SubFigure class.
  • Compiling is more secure now and it doesn’t show output unless an error occurs or explicitly specified.
  • The internal method propegate_packages has been spelled correctly and made “internal” by adding an underscore in front of the name, resulting in _propagate_packages
  • The default allignment of a multicolumn is not c instead of |c|, since vertical lines in tables are ugly most of the time.
  • Make the list method of Parameters a private method.
  • Make the get_table_width function private.
  • Make width and placement keyword only arguments for the add_plot method.
  • The old Table class is renamed to Tabular. A new Table class has been created that represents the table LaTeX environment, which can be used to create a floating table.
  • Fixed a bug in the Document class, that lead to an error if a filepath without basename was provided.
  • Fixed the script such that sphinx and nosetests get called with the correct python version.
  • The graphics submodule has been renamed to figure.
  • The pgfplots submodule has been renamed to tikz.
  • Rename the seperate_paragraph keyword argument to the correctly spelled separate_paragraph.
  • The container_name attribute has been changed to latex_name so it can be used more than containers. By default it is still the lowercase version of the classname. To change the default for a class you should set _latex_name
  • Made Document.select_filepath private.
  • Container now has a dumps_content method, which dumps it content instead of a dumps method. This allows to override just that method when subclassing Environment so you can do dump in some special inside the environment, while still keeping the \begin and \end stuff provided by Environment.
  • When subclassing a class and special LaTeX packages are needed, you now have to specify the packages class attribute instead of passing packages along with the __init__ method.
  • Content of subclasses of Container is now automatically escaped. Content of Arguments or Options is not escaped by default.
  • Made separate_paragraph, begin_paragraph and end_paragraph class attributes instead of instance attributes.
  • The default of the filepath argument for the Document.generate_pdf and Document.generate_tex have been changed to None. The response to the default is not changed, so this is a fairly invisible change.
  • Moved separate_paragraph, begin_paragraph and end_paragraph attributes to LatexObject.
  • Use latexmk to compile to pdf when available, otherwise fallback to pdflatex.
  • Change the order of arguments of the Axis constructor.
  • Tables like Tabular now raise an exception when rows with wrong size are added
  • Made lots of keyword arguments keyword only arguments. This was needed to make it easy to keep the API the same in the future.
  • Removed the submodules pylatex.parameters, pylatex.command and pylatex.numpy. The content of the first two was moved to pylatex.base_classes.command and the content of the last one was moved to pylatex.math.


  • The add add_multicolumn and add_multirow methods on tabular classes are removed in favor of the much more robust and easier to use MultiRow and MultiColumn classes.
  • Removed unused name argument of the Matrix class.
  • Removed base keyword argument of the Package class. Command should be used when changing of the base is needed.
  • Removed the title, author, date and maketitle arguments from the Document constructor. They were from a time when it was not possible to change the preamble, which is now very easy. They are not so commonly used that they should be part of the main Document object.
  • Removed useless list class constructor arguments for list_spec and pos. These were probably copied from the Tabular class.


  • Lots of documentation!!!!!
  • A float environment base class.
  • An unfinished Quantity class that can be used in conjunction with the quantitities package.
  • Allow supplying a mapper function to dumps_list and the add_row method for tabular like objects.
  • An extra_arguments argument to Command. See docs for description.
  • Add CommandBase, which can be easily subclassed for a command that is used more than once.
  • Add NoEscape string class, which can be used to make sure a raw LaTeX string is not escaped.
  • A __repr__ method, so printing LaTeX objects gives more useful information now.

0.8.0 - 2015-05-23


  • List classes (enumerate, itemize, description)
  • Arguments for plt.savefig
  • SubFigure class for use with subcaption package
  • Command line argument for ./ to supply a custom python command
  • The generate_tex method is now usable in every class, this makes making snippets even easier.
  • MultiColumn and MultiRow classes for generalized table layouts.


  • BaseLaTeXNamedContainer now uses the name of the class as the default container_name
  • The Table object is going to be deprecated in favor of the better named Tabular object. This will take a couple of releases.
  • Allow the data keyword argument of containers to be a single item instead of a list. If this is the case it will be wrapped in a list on initialization.


  • Propagate packages recursively add packages of sub containers
  • Make cleanup of files Windows compatible
  • Filenames can be paths (foo/bar/my_pdf).
  • Replace filename by filepath in the names of the arguments.
  • Matplotlib support now uses the tmpfile module, this fixes permission issues with the badly previously badly located tmp directory.
  • The temp directory is only removed in generate_pdf when cleaning is enabled

0.7.1 - 2015-03-21


  • Contributing guidelines.


  • The non keyword argument for filename is now called path instead of filename to show it can also be used with paths.
  • Travis now checks for Flake8 errors.


  • Fix a bug in Plt and one in fix_filename that caused an error when using them with some filenames (dots in directories and a file without an extension)

0.7.0 - 2015-03-17


  • Matplotlib support
  • Quite a bit of basic docstrings


  • Filenames should now be specified to the generate_pdf/generate_tex methods of document. If this is not done the default_filename attribute will be used.


0.6.1 - 2015-01-11


  • Travis tests


  • Bug in VectorName

0.6 - 2015-01-07


  • Figure class
  • Command and Parameter classes
  • with statement support

0.5 - 2014-06-02


  • Python 2.7 support

0.4.2 - 2014-03-18


  • More table types

0.4.1 - 2014-01-29


  • Partial experimental support for multicol/multirow


  • Fix package delegation with duplicate packages