easyfuse ======== Easyfuse is a Python library to allow easy mapping from filesystem operations to any backend. My initial use case was to edit dokuwiki pages and add attachements from the command line. Installation ------------ .. highlight:: bash Before installing the library itself be sure to install the system dependencies. For Ubuntu these should be enough: :: sudo apt-get install libattr1-dev libfuse-dev # Python 2 developement headers (needed when using Python 2) sudo apt-get install python-dev # Python 3 developement headers (needed when using Python 3) sudo apt-get install python3-dev PyLaTeX works on Python 2.7 and 3.3+ and it is simply installed using pip: :: pip install easyfuse Support ------- This library is being developed in and for Python 3. Because of a conversion script the current version also works in Python 2.7. For future versions, no such promise will be made. Python 3 features that are useful but incompatible with Python 2 will be used. If you find a bug for Python 2 and it is fixable without ugly hacks feel free to send a pull request. This library is developed for Linux. I have no intention to write fixes or test for platform specific bugs with every update, especially since I have no other operating systems to test it on. Pull requests that fix those issues are always welcome though. Contributing ------------ Read the :doc:`contributing` page for tips and rules when you want to contribute. To just see the source code, you should go to the `Github repository `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: :hidden: usage api changelog contributing Indices ------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`