Lists example¶
This example shows list functionality.
The code¶
# Test for list structures in PyLaTeX.
# More info @
from pylatex import (
if __name__ == "__main__":
doc = Document()
# create a bulleted "itemize" list like the below:
# \begin{itemize}
# \item The first item
# \item The second item
# \item The third etc \ldots
# \end{itemize}
with doc.create(Section('"Itemize" list')):
with doc.create(Itemize()) as itemize:
itemize.add_item("the first item")
itemize.add_item("the second item")
itemize.add_item("the third etc")
# you can append to existing items
# create a numbered "enumerate" list like the below:
# \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*),start=20]
# \item The first item
# \item The second item
# \item The third etc \ldots
# \end{enumerate}
with doc.create(Section('"Enumerate" list')):
with doc.create(
Enumerate(enumeration_symbol=r"\alph*)", options={"start": 20})
) as enum:
enum.add_item("the first item")
enum.add_item("the second item")
enum.add_item(NoEscape("the third etc \\ldots"))
# create a labelled "description" list like the below:
# \begin{description}
# \item[First] The first item
# \item[Second] The second item
# \item[Third] The third etc \ldots
# \end{description}
with doc.create(Section('"Description" list')):
with doc.create(Description()) as desc:
desc.add_item("First", "The first item")
desc.add_item("Second", "The second item")
desc.add_item("Third", NoEscape("The third etc \\ldots"))
doc.generate_pdf("lists", clean_tex=False)
The generated files¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | \documentclass{article}% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% \usepackage{lmodern}% \usepackage{textcomp}% \usepackage{lastpage}% \usepackage{enumitem}% % % % \begin{document}% \normalsize% \section{"Itemize" list}% \label{sec:Itemizelist}% \begin{itemize}% \item% the first item% \item% the second item% \item% the third etc% \ldots% \end{itemize} % \section{"Enumerate" list}% \label{sec:Enumeratelist}% \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*),start=20]% \item% the first item% \item% the second item% \item% the third etc \ldots% \end{enumerate} % \section{"Description" list}% \label{sec:Descriptionlist}% \begin{description}% \item[First]% The first item% \item[Second]% The second item% \item[Third]% The third etc \ldots% \end{description} % \end{document} |